Reasons to adopt a dog at Christmas

Reasons to adopt a dog at Christmas

Christmas is coming and that means that children are already thinking what they want to ask Santa Claus or the Magi this year. A desire that is repeated year after year in many of the homes is to incorporate a pet into the family.Introducing a dog into the family is...
Cystitis in cats: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Cystitis in cats: what it is, symptoms and treatment

Cats can suffer a wide variety of diseases that resemble those we suffer and one of the most common and at the same time one of the most painful and annoying is feline cystitis. This disease is potentially dangerous, so it is mandatory that every person who has a cat...
Las razas de gatos más populares

Las razas de gatos más populares

¿Estás pensando en adoptar a un gato? Si la respuesta es afirmativa, debes saber que, independientemente de la raza, sexo y edad,  incorporar a un gato a nuestra familia es una gran idea, ya que estos animales son todo amor. No obstante,  es recomendable saber qué...